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时间:2024-08-05 07:32:03




background : with the development of society ,today we may find that some college students may kill themselves ,some may abuse cats and dogs ,some even flaunt wealth through the internet ,what is more ,one student may kill another student which she refuses to him .why thosehappening ? according to one survey : many college students have mental problems , and this kind of phenomenon is increasing , so for the above phenomenon ,we can make a conclude that there issomething wrong with their mental health . reasons: we may areinterested in this phenomenon ,what thing lead their mental health to be wrong , for this ,i make a survey among my classmates and friends , asking them some questions , for example , “at home ,work ,or school ,i find my mind wandering form tasks that are uninteresting or difficult ; especially in groups ,i find it hardtostayfocusedon what is being said in conversations ; my relationships withpeople are made difficult by tendency to talk first and think later ;when i do poorly on an exam or paper ,my self-esteem suffers, andso on .”form their

answers ,we can get the results that what lead their mental health to be wrong. first , some students can not adapt to the college life ,those student never leavetheir hometown before ,so most of them can not adapt to college life without their family. second ,some students can not adapt to college learning , in high school ,our teachers guide us learning ,but in college ,it is all rely on self-consciousness ,some can not adapt ,so their studying is bad that they are lose confidence about learning .third ,some students can not adapt to interpersonal communication , in college ,most students come form different places , their life-st(在好范 文 网搜索更多的文章WWW.)yle may different ,so most of us can not communicate easily. forth ,some students can not deal with love in right way ,if they are struck , they may do some bad thing for themselves or lover. fifth , employment pressure ,nowadays ,there are more and more college students ,in other words ,there are more and more students competefor one position , most of us feel anxiety and inferiority ,so that they may have mental problem.

solutions :college students is the future of our

country ,as a college student ,we must have a good

state of mind whatever we meet and we should have confidence for our life and even every thing. for school ,it should establish the psychological

consultation center ,so we have chances to talk with the teacher when we realize that there is something wrong with our mental health .for our parent ,they should care more about their children , rather not that they have grown up ,do not need more care than before .



1. our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.

2. our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.

3. the main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.

本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展,英文调查报告。"main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标'。


1. according to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in taiwan.

2. the numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in taiwan.

3. as the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines.



1. if you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.

2. by looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.

3. as you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.



1. to conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

2. in summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

3. i've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet i also think introducing a new product is always a gamble.

在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"to conclude","in summary"或"i think"都是做结论的实用词汇。



1. our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.

2. our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.

3. the main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience.

本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。"main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标'。


1. according to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in taiwan.

2. the numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in taiwan.

3. as the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines.



1. if you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of

tv and magazine ads.

2. by looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.

3. as you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.



1. to conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

2. in summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

3. i've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet i also think introducing a new product is always a gamble.

在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"to conclude","in summary"或"i think"都是做结论的实用词汇


aquestionnaireaboutcollege students smoking

1.your gender()


2. your age()

a 10---18b:18—22c:22—27


a:yesb :noc: ever had , quit smoking now

4.what is the reson of your fist smoking?

a .curiosityb. feel fashionc. the mood is depressedd.be persuadede. other reasons

5.in what situations do you need to smoke?

a. when boredb .too much pressurec.feelings of frustration

d .other reasons

6.what is your opinions of your smoking habit?

a .personal choice.not objectionableb. feel fashionc .easy to reach out to anotherd.relax myselfe. objectionablef. uncertainty

7.how long have you been smoking?

a. 1---2yearsb. 2 –5yearsc. 5—10yearsd .above ten years

8. what`syour family opinions of your smoking?

a they do not knowb disagree and angerc agree and understandd will be persuaded to give up it

9. do you think stoping smoking is difficult?

ayesb noc uncertainty

10. have you ever thought about giving up smoking?

a yes,but not successb yes and successc no

11.what harm does smoking do you think ?

a.isn`t good for healthyb. waste of moneyc.disturb other

d. gave a negative impression to peoplee.other

12 generally speaking,you think smoking is

a .benefits greater than disadvantageb . more harm than good.

c. same advantages and disadvantages

================================================================== the endthanks for completing the survey questions.



【摘要】 旅游英文网站是对外宣传的一种媒介。通过调查,发现英文网站中存在着翻译方面的问题。本文将从理论和实践的角度对河南旅游英文网站中的翻译进行分析。

【关键字】 旅游 网站 翻译

一 前言


二 调查方法


三 英文旅游网站现状




在专有名词的翻译中,有些烦已不够准确。例如,开封的卞绣的译名为“kai feng bian xiu embroidery”其中embroidery”本身就有刺绣,刺绣品的意思。故翻译为“kai feng embroidery”完全可被外国人接受,理解。bianxiu反而妨碍了外宾对这些词的理解,建议去掉。


由于中外历史文化不同,很多中国特有的历史文化词汇,不被外国游客理解,在翻译中这些影响读者理解的因素都要被化解,适当增加相应的文化背景解释或注释。如山海经,翻译为shanhaijing,,读者看过后并不知道这到底是介绍什内容的书籍,而译为“the classic of mountains and rivers”则非常清楚地告诉读者,这是一本描写山河的著作。又如,“唐三彩”译为“tri-cobared glazed pottery of the tang dynasty”.而不译为“san cai glaze pottery”.

四 现状分析

通过调查,有以下几个因素导致错误的产生:一 译者的历史文化背景知识不够全面,导致误译或用词不够准确。二 英文网站的发展建设应进一步得到各方面的重视。 三 校对人员失误,导致拼写错误。

五 结语



[1] 汪翠兰. 河南旅游英语翻译的跨文化审视[j]. 中国科技翻译,2014,11:41

[2] 高照明,赵建峡.河南景区景点现场导游英语.郑州:郑州大学出版社,2014,1

[3] 韩军利. 从跨文化角度分析河南旅游网的英文网站. 商业文化,2014

[4] 刘春慧. 河南旅游翻译现状及规范性研究. 人文社科,2014

