it is undeniable that every parent expects his or her child to become an outstanding person in the future.especially in the contemporary society,fierce competition even began to take place among pupils.
as parents,they deeply feel the obligation that they should offer their children with the best education.as a result,more and more children's part time has (版权归wWw.)been devoted to extra school,classes for music instrument and other kinds of subjects which they are actually not interested in.this definitely gives rise to the growing gap between parents and children.parents think their children are too young to make their own decision while children argue that their parents don't have the right to arrange everything for them.and now it is commonly seen that parents and children don't understand each other well due to the lack of communication.however,whether parents or children hold the point remains to be discussed.maybe parents should talk to their chldren and try to find out what they really want to make up for the gap problem
i don't think this is right.parents should let their children develop their talent by their own choice and interests and give them enough time and space to learn what they want to. so, the children can have a happy and enjoyable life.
what’s wrong with the education in china?
when i was a little kid,i was very interested in english,history and math.and i learnt a lot of things from english cartoons and historical movies.albert einstein said,”interest is the best teacher.”.i like acquiring knowledge that i am concerned about by myself.
this situation changed when i was in senior one.at that time my english grade was good but i don’t like english class because my teacher always talked about grammar and vocabulary.one day i was asked to write down some new words on the blackboard.i can’t finish it because i didn’t preview.after calss my teacher had a chat with me.i said i did’tlike the way that teachers teached me.my teacher said,”i don’t like this way either but we teachers have to because of college entrance examination.this is the thing that you can’t avoid.so you can’t do everything you like because you are a chinese student.”
after listening to her words,i realized i had to give up my interests and fought for a good college.luckily i changed my mind so i can be in seu,but unluckily we lost our interests. some students didn’t changed and they couldn’t enter a good college.however,can we said they are bad students?of course not.to get better grade,i swam in the sea of physics instead of history because we didn’t learn it.we also had some things in science that don’t need to learn because college entrance examination don’t check here.to be honest,i always fight for my grade,not interest.
my purpose is not to attack college entrance examination.the reason that we have to lose our interests is enrolment rate.every senior high school aspires higher enrolment rate so that they can get fame and earn more money.high schools compare with other schools. also parents put pressure on teachers.if their children don’t get good grades,they will blame these on teachers.our teachers have to make leaders and parents satisfied,so they put pressure on us.this situation that grade is everything is not someone’s fault.i don’t mean that we should cancel exams.instead,i think college entrance examination is the most fair way to compete.now adults ask children,”how is your grades?”,not”what have you learnt?”.this reports that it’s a social problem.
i think that the government should pay more for children’s education and gradually eliminate education area differences.for example,tsinghua university’s lowest criterion of examination in beijing is much lower in anhui.that means anhui students have to pay much more effort to achieve the same goal.also,parents need to know that grade is not everything and we should learn many things not only books.i believe ,with the development of china,the education in china will become real “quality education”.
讲 师:博思英语教研组组长 leo
leo老师简介:2014年高考赤峰市英语状元(149分 试卷144+口语满分5分);
1.what’s more 更重要的是;更何况;而且9. altogether 总之
2. besides更何况10. in a word 总之
3. no wonder难怪11. similarly 同样
4. that is(to say)也就是说,即12. worst of all 最糟糕的是
5. or rather 更确切地说13. as a result结果
6. in other words 换言之14. in turn 反过来
7. believe it or not 信不信由你15. in return 做为报答
8. exactly 非常确切,确切地 16. above all 尤其重要的是,最为重要的是
17. after all 意思为“毕竟,终究”,放在句首时含有别忘了之意,用来表示听话人似乎忘记了某一个重要环节而需要被加以提醒,放在句末时有与预料中的情况相反之意
18. in one’s opinion, in the opinion of sb. 以……之见
19. generally speaking, generally, in general 一般说来
20. in fact, actually, in reality, as a matter of fact 实际上
21. what’s worse, to make the matter worse, worse still 更糟糕的是
? 1)there are three reasons for this.
? 2)the reasons for this are as follows.
? 3)the reason for this is obvious.
? 4)the reason for this is not far to seek.
? 5)the reason for this is that...
? 6)we have good reason to believe that...
? ,people’s living most people are well paid,and they can afford ,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.? 注:如写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:great changes have taken place in
our life. there are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。
? 1)it has the following advantages.
博思教育,创造激情,引领未来!2014. 1 .1 修订
2)it does us a lot of good.
3)it benefits us quite a lot.
4)it is beneficial to us.
5)it is of great benefit to us.
books are like friends. they can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. therefore,
1)some changes have taken place in the past five years.
2)a great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communication.
3)the computer has brought about many changes in education.
? 例如:
? the major reasons for these
changes are not far to seek. nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins.
? 1)people have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth.
? 2)people have different opinions on this problem.
? 3)people take different views of(on)the question.
? 4)some people believe that...others argue that...
? 例如:
? people have different attitudes towards failure. some believe that failure leads to success. every
failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor. however? 再如:
? do “lucky numbers really bring good luck?different people have different views on it.
? 注:一个段落有时很适宜以问句开始,考生应掌握这一写作方法。
? 1)in short,it can be said that ...
? 2)it may be briefly summed up as follows.
? 3)from what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ... 例如:
? examination is
necessary,however, its method should be improved.
? 1)it’s well known to us that ...
? 2)as is known to us,...
? 3)this is a topic that is being widely talked about.
? 4)from the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that ...
? 5)as a proverb says,“where there is a will,there is a way.it is important for the students to know the world outside campus. the reason for this is obvious. nowadays,the society is changing and developing rapidly,and the campus is no longer an “ivory(象牙) tower. as college students,we must get in touch with the world outside the campus. only in this way can we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate. ? ? ? ? ? ?
博思教育,创造激情,引领未来!2014. 1 .1 修订
第四篇:有道教育 英语作文万能句式
1.this picture does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon.这幅图确实反映了一个引人深思的社会现象。
2.the message conveyed in the picture seems to be that ... 图片上所讲的是通常人们在面对挑战的时候会低估自己的能力而夸大困难
3.the picture describes the scene of ...这幅图描述的是...场景。
1.the artist uses this unique metaphor in order to endow us with the concept that...
2.the phenomenon reflected in the picture is both immoral and illegal. it is well known that... in order to prevent such mistreatment typified in the picture, we should make efforts to... and at the same time...图片中反应的现象既不道德也不合法。众所周知...为了避免图片中的这种行为发生,我们应该努力...,同时...
3.nevertheless, given the pessimistic statistics at the present, we can still predict optimistically that... in the first place... in the second place...虽然目前的数据并不乐观,但是我们要乐观地预测到...因为一方面...另一方面...
4.what the drawing is trying to express is very conspicuous, it shows people ??, moreover, at the bottom of the picture are ... meaning...这幅图要表达的内容显而易见,它表明人们...另外,图片的底部是...寓意是...
5.the situation is rather depressing because... i think there should be...现在的情况令人堪忧,我认为应该...
6.the picture is thought-provoking in that it endeavors to convince its audience that we can actually这张图引人深思,因为它让我们看到其实我们...
7.such stimulating stories are not rare in our daily life. the most persuasive example is...这样励志的故事在生活中并不罕见。最有说服力的例子就是...
1.it is apparent that the author of the drawing tries to reveal to us...显然,作者试图告诉我们...
2.the tremendous contrast presented by the drawing alarmingly reminds us of ...图片中所展示的悬殊让我们意识到...
4.judging form the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that... most importantly... in addition...根据上述分析,我们总结如下:最重要的是...另外还有...
5.all in all, i firmly believe that ...总而言之,我坚信...
6.i maintain that effective measures must be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. firstly, we need to...secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to... only through the combined efforts of a and b can we forcefully and completely eliminate this “tumor”。我认为我们应该采取有效措施来杜绝这种现象的发生。首先,我们需要...其次,应该采取严格的法规来...只有通过a和b的共同努力,我们才能彻底根除这个“毒瘤”。
7.i reckon that ... on the individual level, it is vividly evidenced by the man in the picture that ... on the social level, ... contributes vastly to a harmonious society.我认为...从个人层面来讲,图中人的行
awarmfamily, afantasticsurroundingsarethebestgiftwhichyouhavegivenmesinceiwasborn.idon’tknowhowtoexpressmyappreciationforwhatyouhavedonetome.butiexactlyneedtotalkwithyou.
thereisnodenyingthateveryparentshaveahigh expectationtotheirchildren’sfutureandit’strueofyou.buttheregulationyoumadeistoostrictsothati spendallmytimeonitevencan’tdoanythingi’minterestedin.couldwefindabalancetomakebothofushappy?
i’mnotallowedtomakegradesloverthana. i can’thavea playcrateandchoosemyownextracurricularactivities.thereisnocomputerortv.notwithstandingitenablemetogetgoodgradesbutatthesametimeit’simpossibleforto enjoythehappinesswhenspendtimewithfriendandplaysports.furthermore , nowoursocietyneedthepersonwhoisall-rounddevelopmentandsuccessinschoolworkcan’tdecideeverything.theskillofhowtogetalongwithpeople , thecreativityand the internationalvisual fieldare
also significantfornowstudents .sowhenthefamilyeducationareputintomuchpressureandrules , itwillbecomeaburdentousandevengetinthewayofourgrowth.youdon’twanttoseethat,don’tyou?
asamatteroffact. iadmitthatweneedtobepushedsometime.theexpectationandpressurecomefromparentscanbeadynamicsthatcontributeustodobetter.ourallsuccessnomatterinstudyingorotheraspectsisbasedonfamilyeducation. therefore,findingabalancebetweenyourexpectationandmyownlifeisnecessary.ifso ,notonlycanyoustillbeproudofmygreatgradesbutalsoicanenjoythethingsiaminterestedinandstudymoreeffectively.
finally ,iwanttosayi’malwaysveryappreciativeofbeingyourdaughter
凯里博思教育英语作文辅导changes in my hometown
关于儿童教育英语演讲稿(作文) education