how do you make your resume stand out with so much competition? we are talking this morning with jason lovelace. he’s been with us, um, for the past several hours here. we appreciate you. he is the area vice president in chicago with
careerbuilder.com. we’ve been hooking you up here live on the air with people who need some help with their resumes.
now we have jennell floyd on with us. jennell floyd, thank you for being here. you go right ahead. he has, uh, looked at your resume. you go right ahead and ask him here live what your question is about your resume?
good morning and thank you(good morning),my question is that i think i have done a pretty good job of selling my skills, outlining my experience, and i need to know what's missing on my resume?
ok, that's a great question, jannell. first of all, you know i did review your resume and congratulations on your upcoming degree; it looks like you are graduating in june of this year. so that's, that's a big feat in itself but i took a look at your resume and the good news about your resume is that you do have a lot of important key words and information that should be at the top for recruiters to see. the unfortunate piece about your resume is that you are not doing a great job of marketing yourself, and what i mean is i'll just give a couple of cosmetic information.
first of all, the top of your resume. you have your contact information and it really takes up the first five to ten percent of that first page. it's basically wasted space. you wanna try to condense that and make it a little bit more appealing.
the other thing is there is really no attention grabber, why you? why would a company select you? the other thing that you do is you highlight some of your
awards and recognition, but you could probably do a better job of really showcasing those, letting companies know who you are, the accolades that you’ve had throughout your career and really again highlighting those different points.
and then the final thing from a cosmetic standpoint is you’re all paragraphs in your resume and to a recruiter, time is money, and when they are sifting through resumes, you've gotta grab their attention. you should put bullet points with different things that you’ve accomplished but don't expect them to read through paragraph after
paragraph at each individual job. i think a couple of those things will help you and it should rise your resume to the top.
ok, some good advice from jason lovelace there in chicago, and jannell, good luck to you, i hope you get the job that you want.(thank you)thanks for calling in.
遂昌县民族中学 余倩
在热身环节,翁老师先请学生欣赏了一首歌:tomorrow will be better,同时给出歌词,让学生在听的同时有意识的去看去记这些歌词。随即,做了一些检查,给出几个这首歌里的句子,让学生翻译成英文。接着,让学生用词的正确形式填空。这一环节之后,小结出:knowledge is everywhere. (处处留心皆学问。) 的确,学英语就是要处处留心,学问无处不在。随后,就是本堂课的重点,翁老师先给学生展出了中考作文的评分标准,接着给同学们讲了朝着最高标准该如何努力,也列出了各类作文的常用框架。其中,翁老师总结出的14词框架非常实用:first of all, secondly, third, next, besides, what’s more, finally, in a word. 如果在作文中能用上这个框架,无疑是作文中的一大亮点。
第四篇:mba面试指导 如何让你的面试简历更出彩
mba面试指导 如何让你的面试简历更出彩
第 1 页 共 1 页
if you are graduating from college and looking for a job you wanna make sure your resume is the very best it can be. and there is a difference between the kind of resume you need as a student and the kind you wanna have as a professional. i'm lindsey pollak, author of getting from college to career and i'm here to provide you some essential do's and don'ts for making sure your resume is the very best it can be. first let's start with the do's.
no. 1 make sure that it's 100% clear when someone looks at your resume exactly what kind of job you want. a recruiter may probably only spend a
couple of seconds figuring out where you might fit in a company, so make sure it's clear from how you list your experiences and it's not, you might wanna consider adding an objective statement or profile statement explaining exactly where you would like to be in their organization.
no2. quantify everything. if you raised money at a fundraiser for a
non-profit, talk about exactly how much money you raised. if you increased sales in your retail job, talk about the percentage increase over the person who had the position before you. numbers stand out and they make your story and make you look like a better candidate.
no.3 just like numbers stand out on a resume brand names stand out as well. if you worked for / impressive-named companies on an internship or a job, if you won a scholarship that has an impressive name in your community, if you've been part of a team or a non-profit organization,be sure that those names have a prominent place on your resume.
no.4 include all relevant experiences even if it was unpaid. volunteer opportunities, extracurriculars / any job that you did where you demonstrated professional expertise or you built your skills,absolutely counts as experience and should be included on your resume.
no.5, perhaps the most important tip is to share your resume with people who actually work in the industry you want to join. they will have the best
advice on what keywords to include, what order to place your experiencing and any mistakes that may keep you from getting a job in that industry.