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时间:2024-08-14 09:28:03

dear sir,

i am looking for a job. i am a hong kong graduate student, my college major is business management. i believe i can fulfill the requirements in your company. i hope you will be able to place me somewhere.

thank you very much for your kindness and attention.

respectfully yours,







dear sir,

i am looking for a job. i am a hong kong graduate student, my college major is business management. i believe i can fulfill the requirements in your company. i hope you will be able to place me somewhere.

thank you very much for your kindness and attention.

respectfully yours,


dear sir,

i am a graduate student in the film department of san francisco state college. right now i am hunting for a job . i think you might be able to help me.

as an undergraduate, i had a double major of physics and communications. i am interested and have a solid backbround in both the mechanical and the communications sides of photegraphy. in my graduate studies, i am following up both areas with equal enthusiasm.

recently, i was excited to hear that you have set up a special laboratory for the testing of photography equipment. there is nothing i would like better than to work in that lab. i could help examine equipment and also help you devise tests.please let me know whether i have any chance of getting employment with you. if you need any more information, please let my know. i will send whatever your require.

thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy.

sincerely yours,









administrative director 行政主管 file clerk 档案管理员

executive assistant 行政助理 office manager 办公室经理

executive secretary 行政秘书 receptionist 接待员

general office clerk 办公室文员 secretary 秘书

inventory control analyst 存货控制分析 staff assistant 助理

mail room supervisor 信件中心管理员 stenographer 速记员

order entry clerk 订单输入文员 telephone operator 电话操作员

shipping/receiving expediter 收发督导员 ticket agent 票务代理

vice-president of administration 行政副总裁 typist 打字员

executive and managerial(管理部分)

retail store manager 零售店经理 food service manager 食品服务经理

executive marketing director 市场行政总监 hmo administrator 医疗保险管理

assistant store manager 商店经理助理 operations manager 操作经理

assistant vice-president 副总裁助理 production manager 生产经理

chief executive officer(ceo) 首席执行官 property manager 房地产经理

chief operations officer(coo) 首席运营官 branch manager 部门经理

controller(international) 国际监管 claims examiner 主考官

director of operations 运营总监 controller(general) 管理员

field assurance coordinator 土地担保协调员 general manager 总经理

management consultant 管理顾问 district manager 市区经理

hospital administrator 医院管理 president 总统

import/export manager 进出口经理 product manager 产品经理

insurance claims controller 保险认领管理员 program manager 程序管理经理

insurance coordinator 保险协调员 project manager 项目经理

inventory control manager 库存管理经理 regional manager 区域经理

manager(non-profit and charities) 非盈利性慈善机构管理 service manager 服务经理

manufacturing manager 制造业经理 vending manager 售买经理

telecommunications manager 电信业经理 vice-president 副总裁

transportation manager 运输经理 warehouse manager 仓库经理

education and library science(教育部分)

daycare worker 保育员 esl teacher 第二外语教师

developmental educator 发展教育家 head teacher 高级教师

foreign language teacher 外语教师 librarian 图书管理员

guidance counselor 指导顾问 music teacher 音乐教师

library technician 图书管理员 nanny 保姆

physical education teacher 物理教师 principal 校长

school psychologist 心理咨询教师 teacher 教师

special needs educator 特种教育家 teacher aide 助理教师

art instructor 艺术教师 computer teacher 计算机教师

college professor 大学教授 coach 教练员

assistant dean of students 助理训导长 archivist 案卷保管员

vocational counselor 职业顾问 tutor 家教、辅导教师














cover letter

dear sir / madam:

thank you for taking some time off your tight schedule to review my materials.i have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable experience working with companies such as yours. i am enclosing a personal data sheet which i think will adequately show you my qualifications. i would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at your convenience. my name is**,and i am a studentat **university.my major is financial management. i am

a person with ability plus flexibility should app1y. and

a stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. i work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. i am

initiative,independent and good communication skill.be highly organized and effecient. i would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

recognizing a subordinate with profound expertise and strong organizational abilities is your wish. pursuing a working

department to show my merits and gaining your care are my

expectation. a hard-working assistant can be contributive to your work process, while a suitable working dep(:wwW.)artment can enhance my talents.

maybe we will strive together for a common objective, that is: brightening up the brilliant history of your company. i’d like to dedicate my youth and talents to working for your company.

as a senior graduate student, i would make great efforts to learn modestly, work positively and create actively. it would be my great honor to be further observed my abilities if your company give me an opportunity for an interview.

college life is a platform for increasing the abilities rather than the pleasure garden as we have imagined, let alone the ideal paradise. on the occasion of the exercise opportunity, i’d like to recommend myself to gain a chance for improving my practical capabilities. a sincere heart is aspiring for your deep trust. my career development depends on your decision-making. i’ll do my utmost to show my levels and talents if your company accepts, support and let me join your company community.

with many thanks,

self-seller :***


自荐信 中英文





